When Emotions Collide

Growing up I always shied away from emotions, I never spoke about it, hardly thought about it and held back every tear. But now it feels like the older I get the more intense emotions become. The highs; euphoric and the lows; miserable. Some days are perfect, others dissatisfying. Feeling has colour, meaning, purpose and a contrast.

To appreciate joy there must be pain, to strive for peace there must be chaos, to be happy you must overcome anger and to love is to stand brave in the face of hate. These endless battles for balances happen within us whether we like it or not. Truth be told, no matter what you tell yourself you won’t stop feeling.

With this I felt it appropriate to embody emotion in colour. The harsh reds, hopeful oranges, loving pinks and peaceful greys. In the manner I envision these abstract verbs collide in the soul. In all their splendour and despair. Emotion is meant to be acknowledged and expressed but most importantly emotion is meant to be felt.


Creative Direction - Klein Muis/ @klnmuis

Muse - Neo Lepota


Denim Don't Die